Calendar of Events

04 Nov
04:30 PM
04 Nov, 06:00 PM
1h 30m
Northeast Kids Pizza Party & Pals! - 11 & under
Northeast Church of Christ
2217 Beechnut Drive Kingsport, TN 37660
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Second Sunday Singing!
Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! - Psalm 95:1 Join us on the second Sunday of every month where we sing, praise & worship, learn new songs and fellowship. We hope to see…
Camp Firelight 2024 VBS
Hey there, campers! Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Join us at Northeast Church of Christ Camp Firelight VBS, where we learn about God and when we're afraid, to put our trust…
Friday Night Live! - Teens
Join the Teens for the kick off Friday Night Live event at the Wimberly's! It will be filled with fellowship, good food, and games! Friends are welcome! If this is your first time attending…
Friday Night Live! - Teens
Join the Teens for the kick off Friday Night Live event at the Wimberly's! It will be filled with fellowship, good food, and games! Friends are welcome! If this is your first time attending…
Friday Night Live! - Teens
Join the Teens for the kick off Friday Night Live event at the Wimberly's! It will be filled with fellowship, good food, and games! Friends are welcome! If this is your first time attending…
Northeast Kids will have their first Pizza Party & Pals event! This is for all the kids ages 11 & under who want to come and enjoy free pizza and get a chance to play games like Laser Tag and Nerf Blaster! Friends are welcome too!
Parents are welcome to attend and if you want to help out, even better!
This event has ended
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Age Group
3 - 11